
the story behind the game part I

ITERATE™ had started around 2013 when after attending a workshop Kamil, at that time one of Tomek’s students, have come up with a suggestion to transform Tomek’s project simulation into a full-blown board game. The idea was to create a realistic and fun simulator of a Scrum Product Owner. In subsequent years, the game artifacts and its rules were gradually and carefully added to ensure the game accurately reflects and emphasizes real-life problems and dilemmas. Since then the game has been played countless times at conferences, community meetups and private and public workshops, and Tomek and Kamil have become partners in crime trying to iterate it towards perfection. Here is what our players say about the experience:


the story behind the game part II

Fast forward to 2018. The long way of preparing, testing, changing and improving the game is over and the boxed version is ready for sale. By listening and responding to the players’ feedback, the game has become a well-balanced product which makes us proud. Somewhat unexpectedly we ended simulating not only a Product Owner role but also the whole Scrum Team, its business surroundings and more! One could say we have “iterated” and then “productified” the Iterate™ Product Development Game!


to be blamed for the overall concept of the game

Pragmatist and empiricist. Likes to push it to see what will happen. Aspiring stoic, currently 180° opposite. Strong personality. Usually right about things (especially when he’s not). Has assisted many organizations in their agile journeys to help them change the world, while reaching and maintaining competitive edge. When he’s not fighting for a high quality–high value software, he is to be found under a tree smoking his pipe and thinking things through. Focused on the educational aspect of the game. Quality design lover.


master mind behind most of the traps in the game

Passionate physicist, practicing Product Owner and an aspiring artist. The driving force behind the development of the world’s most advanced automated grocery warehouse. Always looking for and finding solutions – often by running some kind of a simulation to make the game even more evil. A true geek and serious board game addict. Focused on the gameplay and fun aspects of the game. Protector of balance and Tomek’s main opposition. Owns a ginger cat (or the other way around).


graphic designer constantly trying to combine useful and pretty

Spends her days hunting (running with scissors!) Tomek to get to know what to do next. Loves constant change and the diversity of challenges that come with the development of the game. Crazy about her job even when working as a screwdriver. She just gets things done. When she’s not productifying the game, you can find her having a meltdown (Tomek is to blame for that too), walking her dogs, rescuing a hedgehog or climbing a fell. You will hear “told you so” a lot when working with her. Let her say it and move on.


killer workshop facilitator

Agilist, empiricist and football fan (not necessarily in that order). Honest, intelligent, optimistic and well-informed. He never loses it. Never ever. Believe us – we’ve tried. Perhaps it’s because he knows how to count. Famous for the quote “it is the pizza you deliver”. Fighting in silence against the complexity of everyday software life. Persistent in convincing others that one can be actually productive using Windows. Religiously meticulous.